Family History Friday: Family Holiday!

 A fun way to celebrate family, and your family’s history, would be to pick a day out of the year to celebrate it! I found a great idea over at 
Family Fun 
you can find it here!
There are so many different directions
 you could go with this!!
Start off with your immediate family, pick a day, then eventually make the celebration include your extended family. You could tell stories from growing up together, or tell stories from your ancestors lives. You could even have skits or plays acting out things your ancestors did, or fun experiences they had, while they were alive. You could eat the type of food that your ancestors ate. You could watch old home movies. Do an activity that your whole family enjoys like a hike, or a bike ride, maybe even skiing. And if you record it all, then it will become part of your family history!! I love this idea. I plan on doing this with my family. Check it out and try it!! 
Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

Totally "Fort Worth" it!

Hermana Kelsey 1:3 -email-
Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you too! I’m glad you’ve been getting things done around the house. I know it makes you happy when things are clean. πŸ™‚ I’ve been very good about keeping our room clean while I’ve been here, because we get in trouble if our room is messy. You would be proud.
Awww! I miss T and G. Tell them hi for me and that I love them.
I’m glad Alex is doing good. He is such a sweet boy, and I’m sure he’s touching lots of people. I don’t think I can look at the blog, at least not here at the MTC, but probably when I get out into the mission field. They only allow us to get on and my lds mail. I would love if you forwarded Alex’s emails to me. He doesn’t really say much, but it is still nice to hear from him.
This week, one of our older districts left. We have been so sad. They were a really fun district and they were the only other district with Hermanas. πŸ™ I think I’m going to struggle with my companions and such leaving when I get to Texas. The other day, I saw this girl Emily M, that I went to high school with. It was really cool. She is going to Japan on her mission. I also saw Tyler H, which you might not know, but he bore his testimony at stake conference. He is a good kid. I met this one Hermana, I don’t remember if I already mentioned her, but she is going to Ft. Worth Texas too. Her name is Hermana V. She left this past Monday, but I might see her down in Texas. Anyway, she is so cute, and I only met her the second day we were here, but I feel like I already knew her, and I loved her the minute we met.
The other day at dinner, we somehow got on the subject of personality colors. I tried to explain what they were for some people who didn’t know, and they all wanted me to guess their personality color. I don’t know any of them well enough to actually guess. Some people that knew about it told me their personality colors, and when I told them mine they acted really surprised. They all thought I was a yellow. Weird huh? I don’t think I’ve changed that much since I left, but maybe I have.
Anyway, I will be sending pictures soon. And probably one of my memory cards. πŸ™‚
The spanish is coming along slowly, but surely. There are days where I feel like I’m starting to get it, and then other days where I feel completely overwhelmed with it. But I know that the Lord will make up for my shortcomings.
Anyway, I better go now. I love you.
Love, Hermana Kelsey


Hola little seester! I am doing well. I’m glad you are doing lots of things. It’s good to be busy. I feel bad for all the time I wasted when I was home, now that I’ve seen all the things you can get done in one day. It’s crazy. In one day here I get like 3 times more things done than I did in any one day at home. It’s kind of sad. Just don’t burn yourself out trying to do too much. That’s no bueno. Anyway, I love you, and continue to do good things.
Love, Hermana Kelsey 
I’m glad you are getting lots of things done. I know what you mean when you say that songs get to you. I’ve turned into the biggest cry baby. I cry so much just listening to all the missionaries sing at devotionals and firesides. It’s crazy how much the Spirit works on you through good music. Anyway, I better go now. Last time I ran out of time and barely got to send the email at all, so I need to start being done earlier. Sorry I can’t write more. Anyway, love you lots. Love, Hermana Kelsey

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

So it is Tuesday and I still haven’t heard from Flexy. I have heard that the internet isn’t that great where he is. So I emailed one of the “Senior Couples” (retired couples) who are serving there and asked her if everything is ok. She said, “Yes!” and sent me a really great email and pictures so here it is for 
Howzit-Elder Flexy 9:2 -email-

Sister S,

We just spoke to Elder [Flexy] and he is just fine; he did send you an email yesterday, however the internet in Swaziland sometimes just does not work.  We are in touch with his District every day and see his Zone Leader quite often, they live in the same house.  Elder [Flexy] is well liked by all the Elders in the Swaziland District, we had them over last week for a barbecue and when they are here we watch the interaction they have with each other and all of them really like your son.  The black and white companionship is extremely powerful in teaching the gospel because the white Elders bring knowledge of how the Church work, Church History, family relations, the black Elder brings passion since they are almost always new converts themselves.  He then shared an experience which he and Elder Webster had when giving  a lesson, he and Elder Webster shared their testimony and when Elder Ng’Anda came to pick them up, Elder Ng’Anda then shared his testimony and there was such a difference with the spirit, it was so much more powerful, not that their testimony was not powerful, Elder Ng’Anda is a convert and his passion for the gospel is great.  I see our American Elders sharing so much with their black companions and the black Elders in this Zone.  They always let the black Elders eat first and take what is left, they always share what they have and never care if the black Elder probably takes more than he should; they understand that what these Elders have to go back to is so little;  sometimes not even a blanket to keep them warm at night; sometimes they are orphans and will have to go back to their Branch President and try to get a home from there.  You can be very proud of your son as a missionary, he works very hard; he loves Swaziland; he has shared his Testimony in Zone and District Meetings and always expresses his gratitude for being sent to Swaziland.  The pictures are of a couple of animals he will get to see before he leaves this area.  His district had to cancel their hike and barbeque yesterday because of thunderstorms.  We went with the Manzini District on a mini Safari and took these pictures; we are going to try to get the Mission Home to approve this safari for all the boys before they get transferred.  We have 16 Elders now in Swaziland, and they are baptizing a lot of people.  If you have any concerns, I will be happy to write to you at any time.
Sincerely, Sister B


Sister S;
Elder B and I needed to take an iron to the missioanries in
Mbabane and Elder [Flexy] with Elder Diseko needed a lift to their
morning appointment. He knows we took the face view but we thought you
would like a view of them about their Father’s Business.
Love, Sister B

Sunday Best!

“We are the Lord’s hands

 here upon the earth, with a mandate to serve and lift His children. 
He is dependent upon each of us.”
                         -Thomas S. Monson

“God does notice us, and 
He watches over us. But it is 
usually through another person 
that He meets our needs.” 
-Spencer W. Kimball

“And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only 
in the service of your God.” 
-King Benjamin, Mosiah 2:17

“By love serve ye one another.”
-Apostle Paul, Galations  5:13


Service is… Love!

Hope your Sunday was the Best!! Love, Joy

Pooh and Hamilton!

Meet Pooh and Hamilton
These are our only pets. We have had many pets throughout the years. In fact, once Alex said, “If we get one more pet, we’ll be a farmer!” The pets have all passed on…except for these two. Pooh is a fish that Emily tried to have live at school in her locker, until she found out, it was against school policy. The policy that says “no pets at school”. She had to bring him home. And Hamilton was a gift from a boy that Emily asked to a dance, as part of saying “yes” to the dance invitation. So of course, I’m the one who takes care of them. Emily wouldn’t agree with that. The funny thing, is that we found out that all of us were feeding them. The reason we were all feeding them is that, Pooh has figured out, that if you look at a person and act frantic, like you haven’t eaten in weeks they will think you are hungry, and they will feed you. I think he is more intelligent than the usual fish. I also think he is about twice as big as he was. I am amazed how funny they are and I’m glad they live with us. 

Family History Friday: An Amazing Voyage!

In talking about the Mormon Immigrants and the hardships they endured, I have often heard my Mom say the trip across the plains was hard, but the trip across the ocean was harder. I have read many accounts of immigrants crossing the ocean, and it is always amazing to me what hardships they endured. Some, lost loved ones, that had to be buried at sea, and being sea sick would be so difficult. You would not hardly get a break from that. The close quarters and no privacy would be difficult too. I found an interesting article about the Saints and the trip across the ocean. You can read about it here!
Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

Totally "Fort Worth" it!

Hermana Kelsey 1:2 -email-
Hola! Comos esta? It’s crazy it’s been two weeks. The first week felt like a month, and this last week has felt like a few days. I’m glad you are doing good. I feel like we have so much time to study all the things we need to, but it’s never enough. Oh well. Esta bien. It’s all good. I did get the package the day before yesterday. I was so excited because I hadn’t gotten any mail for like a week. I told my companions that if I didn’t get any mail that day that I would cry, and Hermana Rasmussen said, “Hopefully you get mail because if you cry then I’ll cry.” Then our district leader, Elder Geest, walked in after he checked the mail, and said, “Hermana, I have bad news you didn’t get any mail…but you got a package.” I couldn’t stop smiling. πŸ™‚ Anyway, I’m glad you got to see Natasha. She definitely isn’t afraid to tell people what she thinks. It’s an admirable trait, but it may get her in trouble. πŸ™‚ Tell everyone I say hi back. 
So this last week has been really crazy, but so good. I’m am to the point though, when it comes to food, that I just don’t want to eat anything ever, I have no appetite, and I just force myself to eat, and keep the food down. But I’ve gained six pounds, the last time I weighed myself. I’m pretty sure that it’s mostly muscle weight, because I’ve been riding the stationary bike like every day, but still. Six pounds! It’s crazy. Meals are like some of the best times here. It’s pretty much the only way we keep our sanity. Although the elders do crazy things. They have contests to see who can eat any entire cup of jell-o in one swallow fastest. It’s quite hilarious.
The spanish is coming along slowly, but surely. I feel like I’m starting to understand more, but I’m stilll behind like everyone in the class. It’s kind of sad, but I know that the only reason I’ve been able to learn all things I have is because Heavenly Father is helping me. This last Sunday we had a testimony meeting in sacrament and it was SOOO amazing. Some of the elders who got up got teary, and it was so sweet. It’s wierd to see their serious spiritual side when all you see normally is their goofy side. Anyway, it was super spiritual. On of the districts in our zone is leaving this coming Wednesday. It is so sad because they are like an awesome group of people, and they have the only other Hermanas in our zone. Hopefully we’ll get some the next time we get a new district. On Monday, we moved to a new building. I guess they are going to renovate the old one. So now we are one floor higher. It’s killer to walk up that many stairs.
This last Tuesday we had our second TRC which is where we teach a lesson to volunteer investigators. We had the hardest investigator ever! She made us work so hard, and we got nowhere. She acted like she was interested, but had no motivation to do anything. It was very frustrating and disheartening. I just wanted to scream how important the gospel is, but I couldn’t.
Anyway, I better go. I’m almost out of time. Love you bits. Love, Hermana Kelsey XOXOX
Ha ha yeah I sure am getting up early to exercise. The gettting up early isn’t as bad as I thought it would be, although I do get tired after we eat lunch and go to class. Sometimes it’s hard to stay awake. Anyway that’s funny you got shirts for soccer. I wish we could play soccer. They might open the playing field outside when it gets warm, but it might be after we leave. Love you, Hermana Kelsey

Happy Birthday and Miracles!

Today is my brother Keith’s birthday. He is here because of miracles. I called him today to tell him Happy B-day, and asked his permission to tell a little about him. He said, “Of course.” So here goes.Β 
My brother Keith is only about a year and a half older than me. Sometime in the process of growing up Keith lost his way. I say that, because the way he was going, was not the way our parents had taught him. He became involved with drugs. He used many drugs, Nicotine, Alcohol, and others. The drug that caused the most damage to Keith’s body isΒ Cocaine. When using Cocaine he injected it into his body and became infected with Hepatitis C. Hepatitis C attacks the Liver and destroys it. After years of drug abuse, Keith ended up in big trouble. He ended up in jail, awaiting what might be the biggest possible change, time in prison. I’m sure he was very upset and felt like he didn’t deserve this. Or at least he didn’t want what was happening to him, to happen. He spent 6 months in jail waiting to find out, what the judge would decide about his future. It was a very difficult time for him, no drugs and all day long, day after day to think about life and what might happen. Even that was a miracle. To go from being under the influence of drugs, and not seeing clearly or caring only about the next fix. To having the opportunity to really see, or think about his life. After this period of time in jail, Keith was allowed to go home to my parents instead of prison. That was another miracle. He was 34 years old and had been given a second chance. There was so much prayer and fasting going on during this time. So he was home and was really ready to start a new life. He was aware of the way his life was and he knew what he needed and wanted to do, to make his life better. But what about the Hepatitis C? Well, it was still there, doing damage. Keith had been given a second chance but might not be able to be around very long to enjoy it. He married a wonderful and caring woman, and they started building their life together. But as time went by, we all realized that we would need, another big miracle for Keith. By 2007 he was in really bad shape. He would have to spend time off and on, in the hospital to help him survive his illness. He was on the -transplant waiting list- waiting for a new liver, but you don’t always get one. Sometimes you die while you’re waiting. Then on July 7th 2007, Keith received a call. They had a liver and could he be down to the hospital within a few hours. Keith and his wife Teresa went as fast as they could, down to the hospital. We all gathered in the waiting room to wait and pray. We felt very positive, everything would be ok. Sure enough, after hours in the operating room the surgery was finished and our Keith was alive. We went to visit him the next day and could not believe the difference. He was ready to really live his life. We had received another miracle. We are all so thankful to the donor family for their great sacrifice. Their decision blessed Keith, and gave us a miracle in the middle of their sadness. It has been almost 4 years since Keith received his new liver and he is doing great. I am so glad he is here to have another birthday! I love you, brother!

What works for me!

I am the mom to a missionary. 
A missionary mom. 
Actually, I am the mom to two missionaries. These missionaries are adult children. I love them so much. I really do miss them. You need to know that when you serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you leave your family and live somewhere in the world. You share the gospel, and serve God’s children. You communicate with your family by email and letters. Except for twice a year, Mother’s Day and Christmas when you get to talk to each other on the phone. Sometimes it is hard. But I think I have figured out how to enjoy this time while they are gone. Whenever I feel sad or like the next year and a half of my life with take forever, I reason through the emotions like this: First, they are adults. They are young, but they are adults. And I want them to become independent and able to live on their own. Second, they are learning and experiencing life. They will see life out in the world. In a place where they have never been before. I want them to learn and experience life. Would I deny them this opportunity just to have them here with me? No. Third, they are there to serve. They have given up a year and a half to two years of their life to serve, love and help others. I have taught them their whole lives to love everyone and to serve others. They are amazing. Fourth, the only time I feel sad and lonesome is when I am thinking about me. If I think about them and what amazing kids they are, and how this opportunity will bless their lives and bless the lives of those they serve, I am thrilled for them. And next thing you know, I am no longer sad or lonesome and I happily go about my day. I will say, probably the most important thing in all of this, and the Fifth thing is that I believe that our Heavenly Father loves them and will protect them, and bless them. This is what works for me! It may not work for everyone, but it works for me, and I thought I should share it. 

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 9:1 -email-


life is great. my birthday was fun i made some breakfast burittos. anyway swaziland continues to be the best. we had a really good week. 
1 How was your week?1.great we walked so much this week it was crazy talk.
2 How is your new member doing?
2.he is doing great he got confirmed yesterday.
3 Do the other members fellowship good?
3.ya usually
4 Are you healthy? is your toe healthy?
4.ya i’m fine the toe is all better.
5 How is your contacting going?
5.good we find people like crazy
6 Any new investigators?
6.well ya you can say that we have lots that are progressing fast.
7 Do you get to exercise or do you feel like you do enough walking?
7.well today we played basket ball today it was really fun so we do exercise too.
8 How is your companionship?
8.great no problems
9 Have your investigators asked you any questions you didn’t know the answer to?
10 If so, how do you find out the answer?
10. we just tell them we will look it up for them.
11 Do you have an area rep/general authority? who is it?
11.yes for our area its Elder Watson

Special question:

12  Do the South African people have a tradition or ancestral story that involves Christ coming to visit them, around the time he visited the Americas? If so is it helpful in the teaching process?
12.that one i’m not sure but i’ll check.
anyway life is good and the work is going forward. anyway time is almost spent. love you.

                                      Love Elder Flexy