Howzit-Elder Flexy!

So it is Tuesday and I still haven’t heard from Flexy. I have heard that the internet isn’t that great where he is. So I emailed one of the “Senior Couples” (retired couples) who are serving there and asked her if everything is ok. She said, “Yes!” and sent me a really great email and pictures so here it is for 
Howzit-Elder Flexy 9:2 -email-

Sister S,

We just spoke to Elder [Flexy] and he is just fine; he did send you an email yesterday, however the internet in Swaziland sometimes just does not work.  We are in touch with his District every day and see his Zone Leader quite often, they live in the same house.  Elder [Flexy] is well liked by all the Elders in the Swaziland District, we had them over last week for a barbecue and when they are here we watch the interaction they have with each other and all of them really like your son.  The black and white companionship is extremely powerful in teaching the gospel because the white Elders bring knowledge of how the Church work, Church History, family relations, the black Elder brings passion since they are almost always new converts themselves.  He then shared an experience which he and Elder Webster had when giving  a lesson, he and Elder Webster shared their testimony and when Elder Ng’Anda came to pick them up, Elder Ng’Anda then shared his testimony and there was such a difference with the spirit, it was so much more powerful, not that their testimony was not powerful, Elder Ng’Anda is a convert and his passion for the gospel is great.  I see our American Elders sharing so much with their black companions and the black Elders in this Zone.  They always let the black Elders eat first and take what is left, they always share what they have and never care if the black Elder probably takes more than he should; they understand that what these Elders have to go back to is so little;  sometimes not even a blanket to keep them warm at night; sometimes they are orphans and will have to go back to their Branch President and try to get a home from there.  You can be very proud of your son as a missionary, he works very hard; he loves Swaziland; he has shared his Testimony in Zone and District Meetings and always expresses his gratitude for being sent to Swaziland.  The pictures are of a couple of animals he will get to see before he leaves this area.  His district had to cancel their hike and barbeque yesterday because of thunderstorms.  We went with the Manzini District on a mini Safari and took these pictures; we are going to try to get the Mission Home to approve this safari for all the boys before they get transferred.  We have 16 Elders now in Swaziland, and they are baptizing a lot of people.  If you have any concerns, I will be happy to write to you at any time.
Sincerely, Sister B


Sister S;
Elder B and I needed to take an iron to the missioanries in
Mbabane and Elder [Flexy] with Elder Diseko needed a lift to their
morning appointment. He knows we took the face view but we thought you
would like a view of them about their Father’s Business.
Love, Sister B

2 thoughts on “Howzit-Elder Flexy!

  1. Hi, I was just reading your post from the point of view of the mother of an LDS missionary. Let me tell you something from my own experience. I have 3 adult children. During their teen years we had a wonderful experience with our friendship with serving missionaries here in Australia. We grew very fond of the older missionary couples and have since had them visit us again on trips back here. The young boys were wonderful. I mothered them and loved them as sons. They were good examples to my own children. I could tell you many stories but this is not the best opportunity to do so. I wrote to many of the mothers of these boys who were thirsting for news. I had beautiful letters of reply. I nursed them when they were sick. I comforted them when they were homesick. I fed them because they always loved home cooking. How I would love to see them again but they all have moved on to lead their own lives. I have had wedding invitations and photos that are just wonderful. We (myself and my family) recieved an award for being people outside of the church that were most caring and considerate to these boys and did most to care for them. I have that displayed proudly.
    Reading your thoughts on here showed me what I already knew… that waiting at home for them were mothers with the same love in their hearts as I have for my own children.
    Thank you for letting me share this wth you. Marilyn from Australia.

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