Super Power: Birthday Remembering!

I’m not a super hero, but I do have a super power.

My little brother says, we remember what’s important to us. Well, I must consider birthdays very important. Maybe I didn’t get enough attention when I was younger on my birthday, I don’t know, but I love my birthday, I love celebrating and I love remembering other peoples birthdays and special days.

For as long as I can remember I have had a good memory for other peoples birthdays. I can remember other special days, too. I don’t know for sure how it happens, but when I explain it to others they like to tease me. Example: I’ll say, “Well, I was almost full term pregnant with Kelsey when Scott and Stacy got married. I was big and uncomfortable at the wedding, and Kelsey was born a week later on July 21st. So I know their wedding anniversary is July 15th.”

So family will say, in jest- “The moon was rising over Sagittarius and Jupiter was falling…” like it is a magic ability, or power. Well, if I do have a super power this is it. If you asked me the price of bananas, I have no idea and never have. I can’t remember any prices, ever. I don’t know if what I’m shopping for is a good deal, because I can’t remember what the price of hamburger is per pound. If I need bananas, I buy them. If I need hamburger I buy it, but forget a birthday? Never!

For example: in January these are the birthdays, Brad-2nd, Lizzie-2nd, Indie-6th, Nancy-9th, Ian-16th, Vickie-17th, Monroe-22nd, Kiefer-23rd, Liam-23rd, Lilli-30th, Colin-30th, Abby-31st. I typed all of these from memory except 2. I had to check, but not too bad.

I have made lists of birthday, and anniversaries and shared them with the rest of the family. I may have even saved someone from missing an important birthday. Just sayin’. In that way I may even be a super hero!

I love my family, my people. I have chosen to send a birthday card to each family member on their birthday. It takes effort, but I want them to know I love them and I want them to know they are remembered on their special day. Most the time I don’t hear back from them. That’s ok. The ones who say thank you are always so glad I took the time to remember them. I just got a message from my niece who is serving a mission in Germany. She got her bday card and loved it. When your away from home and you get mail it’s the best!

Maybe that’s it. When I was a missionary I loved mail. When someone takes the time to send a letter it means they thought about you to think about doing it, then they thought about you while writing the letter/card, then they thought about you while getting/writing the address, and then one more time while dropping it off at the mailbox! So much loving thoughts.

It’s worth it to me!


Why Important Birthdays Are Important

They acknowledge our steps along the road. They let us savor the joy, yet again. They inspire laughter and shenanigans. They embrace pageantry and tradition. They ask us to close our eyes and make a wish for the future. -Tiffany&Co.