Worn Out in Service…? I’d say!

 I couldn’t resist sharing these with you! Here is Elder Flexy’s shirt collar, pants, and shoes, the day we picked him up at the airport. Two years in South Africa wearing himself and his shirt, pants, and shoes, out in service to the Lord. What a sweet son! I am so glad he’s home, and I can hug him anytime I want (sorta).

Flexy’s pants wore out here, because of his backpack rubbing.

“Fourteen Towel Woman?”

I love the book by Emily Watts, Confessions of an Unbalanced Woman. She tells the story of a washing machine, one of her children had loaded with 14 towels. The machine was capable of washing ten towels with no problem, but 14 made the machine out of balance. Then she compares this to her life and calls herself a “fourteen-towel woman in a ten-towel-capacity life.”

I have felt that way lately, too much to do, not enough time to do it.

As a family we are having wonderful, yet stressful times. Recently our darling missionary Alex came home from his mission to Durban, South Africa. We are so proud of him. Having a missionary come home is such fun, but it is busy! We cleaned the house, fixed up his room, worked in the yard, made signs that say, “Welcome Home”, and bought balloons, etc.

Then a week later, cleaned the house again for the get together after he spoke in church. Called, emailed, and texted family, and friends to organize food assignments. I wanted everything to be perfect for Alex, and wanted everything to be great and fun for everyone else.

It is so awesome to have him home. He is amazingly spiritual and the bonus is, he has an accent. He can share his testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ in Zulu.

We ended up having 60 people over to our home after Alex’s talk. We had a great time! Now I can relax, a little, until Kelsey comes home in September, and then we can do it all again!

Childhood Fears!

I recently went to the BYU Women’s Conference. It takes place on the beautiful Brigham Young University Campus in Provo, Utah. It is an annual event. Thousands of women gather on campus to attend classes taught by various amazing people. What a fun time we had. I always enjoy myself, and usually leave with lots of ideas about how I’m going to be amazing too, just like all the presenters.

One person whose talk I really enjoyed was Ruth Todd. She is my age, and very accomplished. She was a news anchor for years and has many other titles to her credit. If you did a “google” search, I’m sure there would be a plethora of information. Anyway, she gave such a great talk. She spoke about how as a child she was a worrier. She dreaded her parents leaving home, and when they did she worried they would not come home. I couldn’t believe she struggled with this. I was the same way when I was young.

Once when I was in junior high my parents were gone on a trip. I always worried when they were gone, but this time was worse than usual. My parents had said they would call on a certain night, I waited and waited. They never called, and I thought for sure they were dead. I had never heard the saying, “No news, is good news.” I just knew that they hadn’t called and I was scared.

So back to Ruth Todd, she said that when she felt this fear she would pray. A feeling of peace always came, and she learned that Heavenly Father answers prayers. What a great lesson to learn at a young age.

When my parents never called that night, I never thought to pray. Can you believe it? It would be the first thing I would do now, but I went through that night alone in my fear. It was a very difficult time. I found out later, that my parents had called, but my older brother talked to them, and never bothered to tell anyone else.

Ok, you will think this is dramatic, but I was scared for years from this experience. I would make my parents call me every night when they left town, and they had to talk to me. I was still scared, but if they were going to go, this is what I needed. I am much better now.

One of my little daycare kids told me today, she is afraid when her parents drop her off that they won’t come back. Wow. What is it that makes a child feel this way? And what can we do to help them feel safe, and confident that things will be ok?

Prayer is huge. If a child knows they are loved by Heavenly Father, that He is there, and that He loves them, and will give them peace, and comfort, that is the most important thing. Also, we need to talk about their fears with them. Somehow, when something is left unsaid, it seems bigger. In my daycare I have one little gal that only comes a few days a week. She has struggled with the separation from her Mama, even though she has a great time when she’s here. But the more she does it, the better she gets at it. Practice makes perfect. Also, I think kids need to know that they can do “hard things”. If they have confidence in themselves, they are more brave.

Once when Flexy was little I was telling him he needed to do better. He said the cutest thing, “Mom, I’m trying really hard at life.” In the end, that’s all any of us can do.


Time is:

Too slow for those who wait,

Too swift for those who fear, 

Too long for those who grieve,

Too short for those who rejoice;

But for those who love, 

Time is Eternal.

-Henry Van Dyke


Today it has been one year since Kelsey left on her mission. I am so proud of her. I am so proud of me. I used to think I wouldn’t survive without my children close by. But now I know that even though two of them are miles away. They are always in my heart. They are doing amazing things with their time and loving their fellow men.


“By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

John 13:35

My Cute Little Flexy!

Our little Flexy really was the cutest little boy.

I’m serious!

OK, one of the cutest little boys, him and Riley.

When Flexy was just a kid and learning to read, a little bit bigger kid books, he discovered “Captain Underpants.”

I know some kids are reading “Great Expectations” in the 7th grade, but Alex was the kind of kid who went at his own pace.

I so love that about him.

He didn’t let other people pressure him to be more than he was ready to be.

One of my favorite memories is of Flexy telling us about his favorite Dav Pilkey book. It was called, (ready for this?)…

“Captain Underpants and The Invasion of The Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies From Outer Space (and the Subsequent Assault of the Equally Evil Lunchroom Zombie Nerds)

So.   Funny.

It was even funnier to have Flexy say it for us. And then of course he would have to tell us all about the book. If you ever get a chance, glance through one of the “Captain Underpants” books. They are so cute. We even made a puppet of “Captain Underpants” for one of Flexy’s assignments in school. It turned out great!

I’m so glad Flexy found books that helped him want to read.

Collecting Pins!

Years ago our family had an awesome opportunity.

We were able to go to, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington D. C.

We had so much fun! It really was a once in a lifetime trip.

My in-laws were serving an LDS mission in Boston, so we were able to stay with them and we were able to stay with other relatives along the way. We packed as light as we could, and we were on a budget. So when we talked to the children about souvenirs, we told them we would have to be very careful in buying souvenirs.

#1 We had limited space to bring them home, and

#2 We had limited money to buy them.

One thing we did for the kids before the trip was, we bought each of them a baseball cap to wear while we traveled to protect them from the sun and to help us spot them easily.

I had a great idea come to me. We could buy pins at all of the places we visit and the kids could put them on their hats. Pins were never more then $4 at any of the places we went and that meant we could get all of our kids something at each of the places we visited. They came home with a hat full of souvenirs! I think this worked out well. It was fun to see the children’s hats have more and more pins as we traveled. The kids seemed to be really happy with their pins. We were able to travel to some amazing places, and historical places. The kids learned a lot about the is history of our great country. They had fun seeing things that they had only heard about before. Now, when they look at their pins, all of these memories will come back to them.

What Every Parent Loves To Hear!

When we spoke with our son at Christmas, he told us about a senior couple serving in the same mission he is serving in. The senior couple have a blog. So of course I went to see if they had any pictures of Elder Flexy on their blog. Yep, they did. It was so fun to see pictures and hear about their experiences on their mission. I left a comment on their blog, and this is the email I got back today. (I dropped the names, and locations.)
     We are enjoying your fine son here in the R. area.  He has a difficult area and
is working hard.  N. is a small township about 20k from R. They have a
small struggling branch that the elders do everything for.  They track heavily and are a
visible presence in the community.  Elder [Flexy] is a good example and is repected and
we think highly of him.  Know that he is about his Fathers business and working so you have reason to be proud of him.
     Sister N. and I live near you, we are not on our mission.  We will look forward to meeting you when Elder [Flexy] reports his mission.  I believe we will be going home about the same time if I remember correctly.  We are glad that you visited our blog.  The best to you and thank you for sharing this great young man.
Elder & Sister N.
I was thrilled to get an email from them. What a neat couple. I’m sure they have made sacrifices to leave their home and serve Heavenly Father in another land. And I know they are loving my son. It just feels so great. Someday, I hope my darlin and I will serve a mission and be what this couple is to our son, to someone else’s son.

Everything for a Penny!

One of my favorite traditions at Christmas time is,

 taking all the kids for Family Night, to All A Dollar to by Christmas gifts.

When the kids were little and didn’t have money,

we would give them each $5 to by some gifts with.

The rules were this: what you bought for others had to be useful or super funny.

The fun part was to find something useful or funny for each person in the family and keep it a secret until Christmas morning.

As we would go through the store the boys would go with dad,

and the girls would go with mom.

After checkout we would go home and the kids would wrap the gifts that they bought.

One year on the way to All A Dollar, Alex said,

“When I grow up I’m going to open up a store called, ‘Everything for a Penny’.

I smiled and said, “How are you going to make money?”

He said, “I will just buy everything and sell it for a penny.”

I have so many fun memories of going to All A Dollar at Christmas time.

“My Ears Are Going Crazy!”

My darlin, Brett was the scout master for years.

In case you don’t know what that means, it means he met with all of the Boy Scouts in our neighborhood at least once a week to work on merit badges. Not only that, he would camp once a month with them on a Friday night to Saturday, and he would spend a week every summer, using his vacation time from work, to go to scout camp with the boys. He always seemed a little stressed about it, but I also know that he absolutely loved it.

On the way to camp one year, they were all talking in the car about what they were going to do once they arrived at camp.

Alex said, “My ears are going crazy, because I’m hearing such good stuff!”

He was so excited to get to camp and have fun, he could hardly wait. And that’s exactly what he did, have fun!!

What a cute kid!

It’s been a year!!

-Alex at 6 years old-
Today, it has been a year since my darling missionary son, left for his mission!!
 I can’t believe it’s been a year. It usually goes by fast when it’s someone else’s missionary, but it has gone by fast for us too! He is one amazing young man. From the start he has always been so easy going. Happy a lot! Not afraid to do nerdy things, and things that are not always popular, he is also not afraid to do what’s right.  
-Flexy with his mission president and wife-
He is someone who knows who he is, and is not afraid to show it. That works out kinda nice when you are in another country, telling people about your Savior, and trying to help them make some needed changes in their life.
-Flexy at an orphanage- (darling children)
He is loving his mission
 and the experiences he is having. 
I am so glad!!
-With the other missionaries-
We are so proud of our son! 
Only one year left!!!