Poetic Friends & NerdFest 2014!

Flexy’s friends brought over a fun birthday gift. 

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These are the same friends along with some others who came over for NerdFest 2010. The one Flexy had before he left on his mission. You can check that one out here!

So for Flexy’s birthday this year he wanted to do another NerdFest. Here are some pics of the festivities. They are playing a game called Heroscape! They love it, and play it together as often as they can.

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The difference between this group of boys and the group 4 years ago, is that all of these boys have served missions for the LDS Church. This is a great group of guys. I’m so proud of them and all of their Nerdy-ness. I think Flexy had a great 23rd birthday!

13 Things I’ve Learned From Posting 1000 Posts!!!!!!!!!

I have reached a milestone!!! Today I’m posting my

1000th post!

Here are 13 things I’ve learned from posting 1000 posts!!!!!

1-It’s ok to be yourself. 

I have learned that even though I’m not perfect, I am lovable.


2-It’s a great way to tell your story. 

I love to read over my stories and relive my experiences.

3-I love to talk about my family, and their history.

I have wonderful children! My grand baby is adorable! My ancestors are the bomb! We are all basically pretty great people!!!


4-It’s actually very fun to have a blog.

It’s a happy, fun, exciting place to share my life!

5-I have lots of heroes, friends, and memories.

My heroes are the good examples in my life. I try to emulate their lives. My friends are golden and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. Well, my memory may go, but I’ll still have my blog.

6-Funny things happen in life.

Laughter really is the best medicine. I wrote a post once about laughing at inappropriate times, and yes I have been known to do that. I just innocently try to live my life and funny stuff just happens. I start to giggle and it’s all over. Next thing you know I have a stomach cramp, and tears are streaming down my face. I am thankful that I laugh easily. Life is too short to not laugh hysterically when the opportunity presents it’s self.

7-There are some wonderful movies and TV shows out there.

Dory: “Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming….what do we do we swim, swim!”

I need that reminder a lot.

8-Sometimes I don’t Have anything to say, believe it or not. And that’s ok.

I have been amazed at the lack of things to say, or when I can’t think of anything to post. I never thought I’d see the day. I am very social, I can talk to anyone, but I do like to be by myself and just sit still and read or relax sometimes.

9-Life is busy!

Life is busier than ever before. We’re all busy. It makes living adventurous! Sometimes finding time to do a blog post is very difficult, but I’m always glad when I do.

10-I really love Sunday’s the Best!


Peaceful, inspirational, and spiritual! Spending the day thinking about God and His precious gifts, and looking for ways to bless others lives!

11-The world is full of Beautiful Places!


Always focus on the beauty in this world. We are so blessed by Father above to live in such a beautiful place. Look for the beauty!

12-I have learned lot’s of lesson’s. 

I’m so glad I’ve written them down. I love to learn and I’m glad that challenges are not wasted by having to repeat difficult times. I so appreciate the lessons!

13-It takes a long time to write 1000 posts. 

Who knew it would take almost 5 years of blogging to reach 1000 posts, but I did it!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!

My Kiddos!

DSC05352A few weeks before Emily left on her mission the kids were all out on the west lawn doing gymnastics and having fun. All of my children took gymnastics lessons for a period of time in their life. It is so fun to watch them playing and having so much fun together. They each took turns seeing how many back hand springs they could do in a row. Then they decided to have a hand walking contest. That’s when my darlin’ had to join in. I love time together with my family. What a wonderful experience to be a parent. I know I am so blessed to me Mama to these 4 people. I am so grateful for the love, lessons, experiences and time together for all the years we raised them. I love them so much!!

Family is a circle of friends who love you. -unknown


13961_105309296149952_100000126453907_143567_685987_n[1] When Alex was little he used to say the funniest things.

While having scripture study we would all comment on this character or that character, and how neat it would be to meet them.

One time when we were having scripture study as a family Alex said,

“Hey, I just had a thought, after we die wouldn’t that be a good time to get autographs?”

Such a cute kid! That would be a good time to get autographs!

The Rubber Chicken!

One year for Halloween, Flexy wanted to dress up as a Chef.

He used to say he wanted to be one when he grew up (too bad that didn’t happen). Anyway, his costume was darling, complete with a rubber chicken tucked under the tie of his apron. He looked so cute.

The rubber chicken ended up in the toy box. One day Flexy was so excited to show me a neat trick he could do with the chicken. I don’t know how he came up with this, but we laughed and laughed. It made for hours of entertainment! 

First: You push the rubber chickens bum in.

Second: You put a rolled up piece of paper or tissue in the divot/concave bum.

Third: Then you squeeze the chicken ’til the bum pops out, and the rolled up paper goes flying through the air. Amazing!

Like I said…hours of entertainment and fun!!

What a cute kid he was and is. Always good for a laugh!

Suicide “Dew”!

My hubby is a scout leader in our neighborhood. When they have campouts and plan the meals for the campouts, one of the meals they sometimes plan to eat is called suicide stew. All of the scouts and leaders bring some type of a canned food item, and they throw it all together. An example is, cans of: any kind of stew, green beans, corn, cream of anything soup, ramen noodles, spaghetti o’s, chili, etc. Take all of these things, and put them together in the same pot and you have suicide stew. 

Flexy had a genius idea the other night.

I’ll make suicide “dew!”

He loves Mountain Dew (I wish he didn’t love it so much). He took six different kinds of Mountain Dew; traditional, Code Red, White Out, Game Fuel, Livewire, and Voltage, and added them altogether. 

Kelsey helping Flexy do some very serious mixing!

More mixing!

Here it is, now let’s taste it! 

It tastes great!! Suicide “Dew”!

We’re All Together!

Life really is awesome! Yes, there are ups and downs, but it really is awesome!

Falling asleep the other night I thought to myself,”My whole family is here right now.” We haven’t been together for 2 1/2 years.

Riley joined the army and left for boot camp for 5 months. Alex left on his mission and was gone for two years. Kelsey left on her mission and was gone for a year and a half. She returned this past Thursday.

I am so happy to have my whole family together. I’m not sure I have the words to express the gratitude I feel, but after that thought came to my mind the other night, I said a prayer thanking Father in Heaven for the gift of family, and for my children and their safe return. To be all together Dad, Mom, and all the kids is such a great place to be. I am so grateful for the love we share.


I love them!

Most Quoted!

Last night Alex was opening a can of chili or something.

He was using my “Pampered Chef” can opener, the one that opens cans from the side, so you don’t have the sharp lid. When I first bought it, I was so excited that I wouldn’t have to worry about people cutting their fingers on the lid.

It has been a good purchase, other than the fact that I have to keep teaching people how to use it. As of late the other thing that’s not been fun, is that you have to twist and twist the handle so the opener goes around the can several times before it’s a clean cut, and you can actually open the lid.

So Alex is trying to open the can and we hear: “Pampered Chef my eye, would a pampered chef have to work this hard to get a can open?” We all just busted up laughing.

He continues to be a funny, quotable guy!