Can It Get Busier? Don’t Answer That.

Well, I have been quite the slacker on the blog lately. I can honestly say that life is giving me a boat load of wonderful busyness and blessings.

  1. Our sweet “Bonus Baby” Emily is busily getting ready for her LDS Mission.
  2. I was given a wonderful and busy calling of Primary President in our new LDS Ward. (We didn’t move, our LDS Stake was reorganized.)
  3. And our “First Born” son Riley, just got engaged to his sweetheart, Janet.

They say things come in 3’s. I don’t know who they are, but they nailed it here. I am not at all complaining. I feel so blessed to have exciting things to look forward to. I have always done my best, and been my best self, when a lot is expected of me. I do have a bit of a scatter brain sometimes though. I’ll give you an example of what happened last Friday.

Our darling Emily needs a background check to go on her mission. It’s not for the church, it’s for the countries she is going to be serving in. In order to accomplish this we: Had to get her fingerprinted at the jail in the county where we live. Take the finger prints, an application for a background check, a cover letter explaining what we want, and when we want it, to the FBI, and a cashiers check for $18.00. I went to the post office and paid for two express mail envelopes; one to send everything in, and one for them to send the back ground check back to us. So, I get everything together and head to the bank for a cashiers check, then off to the post office. I got to the post office, and waited in line for about 15 minutes. I got the envelopes and stepped aside to write the addresses on them and then filled them and the postal worker took them. I headed for home. As I parked in the garage, I suddenly realized I forgot to put the check in the envelope. I was sooo frustrated. The thought came to me, “Go back right now and see if you can get the check put in the envelope.” So I backed out and went straight to the post office…again. I waited in line for the same worker. I came up and said, “Do you remember me?” The postal worker said, “Express mail? Right?” I said, “Yes, I forgot to put the check in the envelope 🙁” The worker said, “I can open it up for you.” I said, “YES! Thank you so much!” I went out into the car and just cried. Then I said a prayer of thanks. I had spent a lot of money to send the things in the envelope, if they didn’t get the check, I’d have to start all over. I am so thankful that worked out!!

Family History Friday: “Just share ‘k?”

A funny story that happened when my son Riley was little, about 2-3 years old. His dad and I were doing chores, and we were folding a tablecloth together. I didn’t like the way my darlin was doing it, and he didn’t like the way I was doing it. We said a few words in a tone that said we were bugged by each other. Riley was watching the whole thing and said, “Just share, k?” We both looked at each other and busted up laughing. We still laugh about it and quote him to this day.

 What does that have to do with family history? Not much, except that it is best done when we share our information and what we know. Family Search has some great information about sharing! You can read about it here!

Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

We’re All Together!

Life really is awesome! Yes, there are ups and downs, but it really is awesome!

Falling asleep the other night I thought to myself,”My whole family is here right now.” We haven’t been together for 2 1/2 years.

Riley joined the army and left for boot camp for 5 months. Alex left on his mission and was gone for two years. Kelsey left on her mission and was gone for a year and a half. She returned this past Thursday.

I am so happy to have my whole family together. I’m not sure I have the words to express the gratitude I feel, but after that thought came to my mind the other night, I said a prayer thanking Father in Heaven for the gift of family, and for my children and their safe return. To be all together Dad, Mom, and all the kids is such a great place to be. I am so grateful for the love we share.


I love them!

Double Boot Dangler!

This is my first born. He is amazing on the trampoline. When he was younger he would make up tricks and give them the most original names.

One of his tricks is called a “Double Boot Dangler”. This is him doing it below.

My favorite thing about this trick, besides the name, is that he clicks his heels twice while he is upside down. What a funny guy!

He always says, “Look Mom, I doing a Double Boot Dangler!


Best Mother’s Day!

I’ve always struggled a little bit on Mother’s Day.

It’s a combination of feeling like I don’t cut it as a mom, and that my children don’t appreciate me. I know, that sounds pathetic. But I do have a desire to be a good mom, and no one likes it when they are constantly taking care of people, and they don’t get a “Thank you” on Mother’s Day.

When my children were young, I always got the token hand print and poem which I loved and still have, but now my children are grown up. I really don’t expect much. I hope for it, but I don’t expect it.

This year one of the biggest things that I was planning on for Mother’s Day was talking to my two children serving LDS missions. I have only talked to them on Christmas and Mother’s Day, and they have both been gone over a year. I miss them, but I know they are doing great things. I was able to talk to both of them on Sunday (Mother’s Day) morning. They both sounded so great and my button’s were bustin’, I am so proud. They will both be home in 2-4 months. So wonderful!!

Next, for the first time in my motherhood, my children here at home and my son’s girlfriend were all competing to see who could write the best Mother’s Day card. How fun! It was so perfect. Riley, wrote a nice note about how he has learned the lesson’s I tried to teach him, he just has to push my button’s. Janet wrote about how I have made her feel loved and she loves me. And Emily wrote a nice card and filled it with coupons, one of which has already happened. It said, “Coupon for 4 amazing kids, 1 amazing husband and one darling grandbaby, and Janny :).” Then she put “paid” all over it. So cute! Then she heart attacked the sliding glass door. Here’s a picture of it.

My favorite part was this note that said,

“If you would like to take credit for a part of this magnificent gift. please sign below…”

What a cute daughter! It was a wonderful day and loved it!

I think the key is to not expect anything, then you will be surprised and amazed when something does happen.

I hope all mother’s and those who mother, had a great Mother’s Day.

I am so grateful for my Mama! She is a women that get’s life, what where here for and how to do it. She is busy, using her time serving others and Heavenly Father. She is smart and understands people. She has taught me so much. Thank you, Mama!

Maybe It’s In The Gene’s!!

So there’s this cute, funny thing that happens at our house when my little grandbaby comes. She likes to take toy cars and line them up in rows.

Does she play with dolls? Not so much.

The cutest and funnest thing about her lining up the cars is…that’s what her daddy used to do when he was four. She started this all on her own, while her daddy was at boot camp.  Maybe it’s in the genes?!  Now they do it together!

So. Cute.

What a sweet and fun girl. I love it so much when I get to see her. What a doll!!