Friends: Karen


I recently heard the news that a friend from my high school years, has passed away. It is always a surprise when someone my age passes on. I have been thinking about her for days, remembering her kindness and love. When it seemed no one else cared, she was there, always building me up, and telling me how wonderful I was.

I still have a little book she gave me, called

“Golden Days-Favorite Moments To Cherish and Share” by Edward Cunningham

Inside the cover this is what she wrote, “Joy, I hope you like this book. When I saw the title, ‘Golden Days’, I thought about you and how you make my days so much better. I hope our friendship will last forever. I love you so much. And please, stay that sweet person you are. Love Always, Karen”

I can’t imagine my teen years without her. She was what I wanted to be, kind, loving, a good friend, honest, accomplished. She worked hard at whatever she did. Her example was a light to me. She got married the summer after graduation, and moved away. We lost touch. I know I haven’t seen her for years, but I am missing her so much. I will not be able to talk to her now, or reconnect, at least not in this life. But just thinking about her I realized, I am a better person because of her.

I know she knew I loved her, and admired her. I feel so happy and blessed to have known her in my life. In my little book she gave me, it says, “Many things are golden, and each in its own way can help to brighten up your world and make a golden day.”

She was a “Golden” friend. She made my days, so much better.