Family History Friday (FHF): London & Italy.

Kelsey @ Six-Look at this darling girl!
(Sorry it is alittle out of focus)
Have I ever told you how much I love being a mom? Well, I do. In fact, some of the best entertainment in my life has come from either the things my children have said or the things they have done. I have tried to write down the cute things the kids have said for family to enjoy, as well as the child who said it, in later years. Once when Kelsey was about 6 years old we were planning a family reunion. It was going to be a special one because we were going to a town that was quite significant to my husband’s family. His grandfather was born and grew up there. We were going to travel for a long time to get to the place. We told the kids we were going to Lund through Ely. Now, you have to know this little town of Lund had only a few hundred people living in it. It is south of Ely.
They’re both in Nevada. My sweet little Kelsey told everyone that we were going to London and Italy. So people would come up to me and say “Wow, you have quite a trip planned!” Thinking they were being sarcastic I’d say “Yeah!!!”, and then mention something about the thrill we were going to have in Lund. One lady in particular then told me, “Oh, I thought you were going to London and Italy.” We laughed and laughed. The lady did actually know where Lund was, and had spent time there as a child. Let me just say that Lund and Ely couldn’t be more different than London and Italy. Although I have been to Lund and Ely, and I can’t say the same about London and Italy.
Keep a small notebook near the kitchen or some other area you spend time, and write down the cute things the children say and do. Believe me you’ll be glad you did. If you don’t, you will forget, of this I can attest.

Autumn Decor!

My hubby made this beautiful shelf. It hangs near the entrance of our home
and it usually gets the seasonal decor. That way, if I don’t have time to decorate the house much for holidays, I can almost always find time for the shelf. I thought it turned out pretty cute. I love the colors of Fall. It is my favorite time of year!

The hutch in the kitchen is always fun to decorate.

My favorite decorations are the ones you just kind of throw together. I just covered the shelf with things that are the colors of Fall. I collect leaf plates (cause I totally dig them), so those definitely had to be displayed. Almost all the baskets in my home were made by me or my sister-in-laws. I will always love baskets, whether they’re in style or not. (Maybe it’s because of my Native American ancestry) I think they look beautiful.

I love Autumn!

Lessons from the Mountain!

See this mountain…I have been on top of this mountain.
I love this mountain. It represents so much. From the time I was a small child till now, I have looked in awe at it’s majesty.
One lesson I learned from the mountain is this — you can do more than you think you can. We have untapped abilities that are only used when we really push ourselves. My sweetheart and I decided one year for our anniversary to climb the mountain. That was about ten years ago. It was going to be a testimony to our marriage and the work and effort that got us to that point in our marriage. We started at about 8:00 am. We had a great time talking and enjoying each others company. We talked about our kids, our life together so far, our goals and dreams, and of course we talked about how much we loved each other. As the time went on the trail became steeper. There were many switch backs. There were also beautiful views and flowers along the trail. We had not prepared at all for this hike. No walking or special training to build endurance. We just went for it. I remember saying to my darlin, “Do you think I can do it?” and he would say, “YES! you can”. After 7 hours of hiking we reached the top. I was exhausted, and Brett was tired. Remember, we have to get back down. Some where in the middle of the hike I remember thinking, this is probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I had given birth to 4 children and had gall bladder surgery, I was still thinking this is probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done. We hiked down for 5 more hours, using different muscles than we used going up. Toward the end of the hike we both really had to concentrate to put one foot in front of the other. It was more quiet than the hike up, because we were saving our energy for hiking down. Finally we made it. We were so sore, I mean soooo soorree!!! I couldn’t even look at the mountain for months without shedding a few tears. But I did it! I didn’t know I could. Now I know, I CAN do hard things. It takes alot of effort, but I can do what ever I need to or want to do in life. You can too!
(Oh, by the way the hike was 16.o5 miles)

Surviving Life!

Everyday Life Survival Kit

Toothpick: Pick the good qualities in everyone including yourself.

Rubberband: Be flexible. Things might not always go the way you want.

Band-Aid: To heal hurt feelings, either yours or someone else’s.

Eraser: Everyone makes mistakes. That’s okay, we learn by our mistakes.

Candy Kiss: Everyone needs a hug or a compliment everyday.

Mint: You are worth a mint to your family and friends.

Bubble Gum: Stick with it and you can accomplish anything.

Pencil: List your blessings every day.

Cocoa: Relax daily and go over your list of blessings
I thought this was such a cute survival kit. I think I will make one for everyone!! OK, maybe not for everyone. But here it is and I know I will for sure make one for me. I had a challenging day at work and I needed a reminder of the right way to think. I am very positive and don’t often feel sad, but today I was struggling. I will keep this by me at work and think positive! I love me! (and you too!)