The Rubber Chicken!

One year for Halloween, Flexy wanted to dress up as a Chef.

He used to say he wanted to be one when he grew up (too bad that didn’t happen). Anyway, his costume was darling, complete with a rubber chicken tucked under the tie of his apron. He looked so cute.

The rubber chicken ended up in the toy box. One day Flexy was so excited to show me a neat trick he could do with the chicken. I don’t know how he came up with this, but we laughed and laughed. It made for hours of entertainment! 

First: You push the rubber chickens bum in.

Second: You put a rolled up piece of paper or tissue in the divot/concave bum.

Third: Then you squeeze the chicken ’til the bum pops out, and the rolled up paper goes flying through the air. Amazing!

Like I said…hours of entertainment and fun!!

What a cute kid he was and is. Always good for a laugh!

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