Easter Time!

Spring is wonderful, with so much to celebrate!

New life-Trees with buds and flowers blooming, baby chicks, baby lambs, and babies all around. More sunshine and warmer weather. What blessings!

Pretty dresses-Each little girl wearing a new dress for Easter. It’s a special feeling to get cleaned up and put on a new pretty dress to go to church and sing and pray. To remember Jesus on Easter morning. As a little girl Easter was the only time I got a new dress, and sometimes new shoes! In my bedroom, I would hang my dress where I could barely see it in the darkness as I fell asleep. My shoes would be positioned next to my pillow in their box in my bed, so I could reach over and touch them or look to make sure they were still there. I felt so special that I could have new and beautiful things.

Egg Hunts-Fun times with kids and grandkids hiding and finding the eggs. As I’ve gotten older and can host or help with Egg Hunts it is so much fun to get everything ready for the kids to come. My Darlin and I work hard on the yard to make it look nice, and invite all the grandkids to come and hunt. The are so adorable and seeing them having fun is the best. When I was a kid, eggs would be hidden around the house. We would search and search. Funny thing is we would almost always miss one and find it a month or two later.

Sweet Treats-Baskets with treats and candy. Some people don’t believe we should give kids candy in abundance. Well, we don’t have candy all the time, but when I was a child it was so fun and unusual to get candy and a chocolate bunny in my basket. To me it gives all of us something sweet to look forward to in life. Landmark dates that keep us going and celebrating life. Treats are a must!

True Love-Most important and overwhelming is the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ who gave all for us. And our Father in Heaven who gave us a plan and way to learn and grow, because He loves us and wants us to become more! He knew we would make mistakes and need a Savior. When I think of the death of Jesus and all that happened on Good Friday I get so sad. I can think about it but it hurts to think of all He went through. I’m so grateful for Sunday morning and for His resurrection. It is finished. He accomplished what no-one else could do and because of Him we all are blessed. I love my Heavenly Father and His Son our Savior.

Happy Easter!!

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