Out on a WIM #64



Hello to my most wonderful family! Oh man how are you all?? It sounds like everything is just a bucket of roses there!!! Thanks for the updates on everything 🙂


Ok so pretty much this week was crazy! So crazy. The first few days I was still trying to get everything ready for the Sisters who will be in my last area! Sister S. was feeling really sad to leave the mission and leave me.. Honestly it was hard. I loved my missionary family there. I miss Sister S. and my DL(District Leader) Elder R. was pretty much my best buddy. He lives in Australia and he just went home. But he emailed me today. I was so glad to hear from him. It was sad to leave but it was a good change.
So, my new area… 🙂 I love it here very very much. The first day here I cried and cried. I think because it was a change and stuff. I realized that the previous Sisters that were with Sister W. had not been the best examples in being obedient, diligent missionaries… So I now see my purpose here. The first day I was like shoots, I may have to be unliked here for a while because of my firmness. The first days I just layed everything on the table. I will be more faithful to my Father in Heaven and his leaders then I will to the people I am around. It is a long story! I will tell you in a few months all of the details. But just know that I am in good hands and I know why I am here and I am grateful for that. Something that is great is that I have yet another opportunity to train.. Kinda.. I asked Sister W. what she feels she was not properly trained on and so we have been working on lots of things!! It is awesome. God is good. I am glad that I am able to be an effective instrument in his hands.
I LOVE my new area. There are many prepared people here. Seriously this place feels like heaven. Things are going a lot smoother than they were in my last area. I think I needed that clean slate! We are working with great people. E. is a 14 year old inv. with a baptismal date in a couple of weeks. She is amazing and came to church yesterday it was great.
My Sister Training Leader stuff is going great. I will be traveling back to St. L. to do trade offs and help the sisters there. Sister W. will be with a temp for a couple of days! Everything is going so wonderful!! No I do not feel overwhelmed because I know the Lord is lifting me higher. Otherwise I probably would feel stressed a lot. Just like my plaque scripture says. My strength is weak but I do not rely on my own strength I rely on the Lord and he helps me everyday!
I love being a missionary, so much. The gospel is my rock and I realized that I have become converted to the Lord so much so that even when I am required to do hard things or be persecuted because of the gospel I will take any beating. And with a smile on my face.
Here we get warm showers!!! HOT SHOWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have not had one of those in a long time. Our car is like amazing! No keys.. Push to start! Seriously. It’s cray.
Welp. Here is a birthday shout out! Dad, Happy Birthday my pops! I am ever so glad that you were born 🙂 I am grateful for your example of Christlike love and service. You are such a humble and wonderful son of God. You never cease to amaze me and because of you and your love for mama I know what I want my future marriage to be like. I want to be just like you guys. You are such a dear friend to me and I know I can always count on you. Whenever I had a problem at home I knew I could call you and you’d be there to help me. Thanks for being the best dad ever. I love you so very much.
Well! That is all for this week! Sorry no individuals time is scarce!
I love you all. Have a great week. Go out and be like Christ!
Love, Sister Emily

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