Out on a WIM #21

Hello my most wonderful family! It sounds like you are all doing just wonderful!

Ok let me jump into some crazy news from this week:

– This week I got super sick on Wednesday and we thought that I had Dengue (I don’t know how to spell that) It is an illness that is contracted from mosquitoes…. It can be deadly…. BUT surprise!!!!! This Sister is alive and well. I literally slept for like 20 hours on Wednesday then we went to one appointment and Coordination… Then Thursday we went out all day and I was miserable and just crashed afterwards… So Friday we staying home all day and I seriously slept the whole day. It was crazy. This mission doctor thought I had strep so he gave me meds.

-Next item of business………………….…………….. We got our transfer calls and Sister T. and I are being split up!!!! Wah. Just kidding.. She is going, and I am staying here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And *drum roll please* I am training a cute Sister named Sister H. 🙂 Oh man I cannot believe I am training. But I am wildly excited.

So cool story having to do with both of these: After I got my transfer call I was thinking “OH gosh I can’t train when I am feeling this way. This is poopy. So I prayed to my wonderful Father in Heaven and told him how I really would appreciate it if I could feel better so I can train properly and work hard as a missionary and what do ya know????!!!!??? The next day I felt as good as new. Literally all pains left my body and I felt WAY better. Awwwwww….. God is good.

We are trying to help L. (our member referral) progress towards baptism very quickly. She is doing very well. She was not able to make it to General Conference and she started to cry because she couldn’t be there. She is an inspiration. We talked to her about the Word of Wisdom and she said she’d stop drinking tea and do whatever it takes to make Heavenly Father happy.

With Sister T. leaving we’ve been saying some goodbyes and it’s very sad! I want to cry because I am going to miss her but I am really excited.

I am so grateful for the time that I have had with her. She has helped me to see things differently and has taught me to be patient.. I thought I was patient before… There are so many things that she helped me with and I love her. She is literally like a sister to me… She knows everything about me and she has seen my weaknesses probably more than anyone. I never realized how many things there are to work on before my mission. I will miss her dearly and will never forget her.

On the other hand I can not wait to be a trainer and to stay here 🙂 I feel like I do better and learn in a different way when I am in charge so it’ll be a great learning experience and will help me with many things 🙂 I will tell you about Sister H. next week after I meet her.

I asked one of the elder’s on the phone what he could tell me about her and he said “All I know is she is not as happy and energetic as you” and I said, “Why??” He said, “Because no one is.”….. Hahaha that may or may not be true…

Speaking of energetic people…. HOW ABOUT GENERAL CONFERENCE???????? Oh gosh I loved it so much. I have never taken better notes in all my life. I was so grateful for all the speakers and talks. Exclamation point 😉 That was super funny! President Uchtdorf’s talk was wonderful talking about the gospel of Jesus Christ and Elder Hollands, Elder Bednars, D Todd Chirstopherson. All of the speakers really talked a lot about enduring to the end and I think that was good for us all to hear 🙂 I liked the story about the shoes that the missionary had and they were worn out like crazy. That’s how I want my shoes to be, worn out in service. I want to serve the Lord and give him every minute of my time now. I am devoted and I love the gospel so much. This Conference really helped me a lot. I heard things that I knew I needed to hear and things I didn’t quite know that I needed to hear.


Well it’s been yet another crazy week here on the WIM. Thanks for all the support 🙂 I love you all dearly! I am grateful to be a missionary and have this time to be strengthened by the Lord! I know this church is true and I am grateful for the happiness that it bring to me. Ah it burns like a fire in my heart. With so much love, Sister Em dog Billionare! 😉

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