International Day of Awesomeness?


There is an International Day of Awesomeness?

I know some days are awesome, and some days aren’t. It’s usually a matter of choice, but I love the idea that someone thought of making an official day. If you want to check it out, the Official Site is here! Yes, there is an Official Site!

So this is what I did with my “Awesome” day…

I showered and did a deep conditioner on my hair, then I cried because I had a fight with my son, then I went and gave him a hug. Me and Emily went to a baby shower. We came home for a minute, because my little 9 year old friend Parker wanted me to pull his tooth. Then we met my niece at the beauty supply store, then went to my sister-in-laws to give her a lesson on doing a blog. We picked up food on the way home and after that my darlin and I went to the thrift store, the grocery store, and came home and now we’re watching a movie while I write this post.

It really was an awesome day.

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