Learning To Love Everyone

While on my mission in Texas, I had an experience with a ward mission leader that I will never forget. First I need to tell you about my first ward mission leader. He was a young dad. He was married to a wonderful supportive wife, and the daddy to a quiver full of children with one on the way. He was in the Air Force and was always doing missionary work, and sharing his love of the gospel with anyone who would listen. He opened his home to us missionaries many times. Whether it be to eat dinner, or teach a friend about the restored gospel. He was consistently reliable. He loved to support us, and follow through with anything we asked of him or needed to be successful missionaries.

Then I was transferred to my second area. I had a great companion and wonderful area, but the mission leader was 100% different. We would meet with him to plan and discuss our work. He was always supportive, but never followed through. Typical one liners would be, “Sorry sisters, I dropped the ball on that.” or “I really missed the boat, there.” or “My week got away from me.” I’m sure it was just me, but he was so frustrating to me. I kept thinking we needed someone we could count on to be successful. I realized as time went by that I just really struggled with him.

In our apartment there was a collection of Ensigns (old religious magazines) and one day as I looked through the stack I saw an article that caught my eye. It was written by someone who was working with a difficult person. They needed the job, and couldn’t quit. They had been wondering what to do about the situation. I don’t remember how, maybe in the scriptures, but they found the inspiration they needed. The answer was to see this person, the coworker, the ward mission leader the way God sees them. How? They used prayer. They pleaded with God to help them to see this challenging person the way He sees them. Since we are all His children and we all have infinite worth and value, surely this would help. It did.

Slowly the coworker became less of a challenge to the person who wrote the story. They actually noticed some of the things this coworker was good at, and finally learned to love them. I was determined to love this ward mission leader, and so I started praying to see this mission leader the way God sees him. It didn’t take long. The next Sunday I watched him with his family. His wife looking at him adoringly, his children running to him arms out stretched, his tiny infant daughter smiling at him while he held her. Wow! I was amazed as I noticed how thoughtful and loving he was to his family. He provided them a safe place to live and grow. He loved God and was doing his best. I am glad to say that anytime he “dropped the ball” after that I was completely unaffected. I was so grateful to just love him, not judge him. It was freeing, and such a blessing.

These days I am not bugged very much by people I deal with, because I always go back to my experience learning to love and see another the way God sees and loves them. Of course I’m not perfect, and I’m sure there is someone out there who might have to pray to learn to love me. This life is tough. We all struggle, but the journey is better and more enjoyable when we get along and love each other. I hope I never forget this lesson. God loves us all.

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