My Favorite Place.

When I think of places that I enjoy spending time, they are always near water. Water has a way of soothing and calming my inner turmoil. I feel close to God when I am near water. The sound, especially if it is just a small sound, like a brook trickling along.

I guess if it is a big sound that reminds me of God too, but mostly His power and majesty. Standing at the edge of a large waterfall is scary, but breath taking. I have to hang on tight to something for fear I’ll go over with the water. So big water may not be a favorite, but it’s still very amazing.

When I was a child, at our home in the country, we lived near a brook–or creek as I called it. I would go there almost every day. It was very near our home, maybe 50 yards away. Trees grew along the banks of the creek, but there were open spaces too, where the sun shown down through to the water. The sun made the water sparkle and shine as it traveled. I loved the sound, the tinkling and bubbling sound it made as the water ran past. I loved watching the water. Sometimes a small leaf or twig would be carried down the stream and then get caught for a second. Other times I would send a little leaf boat down and follow it for a bit. At certain times I would see tadpoles or tiny fish. The creek would end up down the hill at a small pond we used to go to sometimes as well. I loved watching the tiny living creatures moving a long knowing they were headed to bigger and better places.

I would lay on my tummy and put my chin on the hands and watch, listen, and think. The creek was a sacred place to me. Away from others, and away from concerns. I felt my Heavenly Father close there. I felt loved. It was quiet, except for the sounds of nature all around me. A bird could be heard, or a breeze that blew through the trees. This place and how I felt there reminds me to “Be still.”

In the Bible, Psalms 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God.”

I felt such a calmness at the little creek, that to this day, if I have a minute to sit near water, I am right back there, feeling love and calm, and oh so, grateful for my Father in Heaven, tiny things, and my knowledge that He is God, aware and loving us.

I know He is God because of my favorite place.

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