Totally “Fort Worth” It!

 Hermana Kelsey 13:2 -email-
 Hola familia!
Como estan?
Espero qu todo esta bien con ustedes. 🙂
This week was really great. It is going by way too fast. Sister V. and I are at exactly the same point in our missions, and we’ve been talking a lot about how weird it is going to be to go home. We are scared You will get to meet her when we fly home, because we will be flying home together on the same plane, at the same time. You’ll also probably meet her family. But her mom doesn’t speak english like at all, so you won’t be able to talk to her, but the rest of her family does. Then Sister V. and I can just freak out together on the plane ride home, and then cry with our families together when we get to the airport. 🙁 But at least we get to do it together right? 🙂
I really miss Salt Lake City! Every time I see a picture of the temple, or temple square, I get a little trunky. I just miss home. But only for a minute, and then I am fine. I do miss taking like day trips down to SLC though, and shopping. I miss having money to spend. But not enough that I’m ready to come home yet. 
I always love testimony meeting. Yesterday was really cool because there is an elder in our district (Elder C.), and he is the only member of the church in his family, and they rejected him, and basically disowned him when he joined the church. The bishop called him up to bear his testimony (because he is new in the ward), and he talked about how his parents wrote to him the day before (he hadn’t heard from them at all in a month and a half!), and they told him that they accepted him for who he was and that they were proud of him. He was talking about how it meant so much to him, and how he has great hope that all of them will join someday, and they will be able to be sealed in the temple together. It was so sweet. I have great respect for missionaries who are here on the mission, and do not have support from home, and yet still work as hard as they do. It is really hard being a missionary sometimes, and I think it would be especially hard not hearing from your family, and not knowing that they will be glad to have you back when you come home.
Yesterday, we had a meeting with Elder Callister from the presidency of the Seventy!  It was really cool. I got a lot of great insights, and he taught us some pretty interesting stuff. And I got to see a lot of missionaries I haven’t seen for a long time. Also I heard about what was going on in Arlington. It made me really sad, because my last convert I had in Arlington is now not going to church and won’t let the sister that are serving there now to come in and see her. They think she got antied from her neighbor. I almost cried when she told me. I love that lady. I wrote her a letter like 2 weeks ago (or maybe 3), but she hasn’t written me back. 
Dad: I know what you mean. I am going to be so out of technology by the time I go home, that I won’t even know what to do with myself. But hopefully I will be able to figure it out pretty quickly. 🙂 But you’ll be good. Did you read the instruction manual? That always helps.  I love playing volleyball still. We usually do that on p-day. I’m hoping that because it is warming up, we will be able to go outside and play football or something soon. That would be even greater. AHHH! I’m so jealous you get to eat swedish pancakes! I was craving them so bad the other day, but we don’t have the time or the money to get things to make them. So I’ll just have to wait until I come home. Maybe we can make them my first day back home? 
Emmysaurus Rex: Hey little lady! Como estas mija? Man! I can’t believe you are almost a legal adult. Say it ain’t so! It cannot be!!! JK. But really time goes by way too fast. Enjoy every moment, even the hard ones. I hope things are getting better. Have you been looking for a different job? That is something that I’m worried about. When I get home, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to find one. I’m so nervous. But the Lord will provide.  I kind of wish I was getting a tax return. I didn’t work for any part of last year, so I won’t be getting one.  But I guess it is okay. I just plan on not having any money to my name when I get home, and starting from the bottom, and working my way up.
Well, I better go now. I love all of so much, and I can’t wait to squeeze y’all!! So this will have to do for now. 
Be good. I’ll see you in a little bit.
Love, Kelsey
P.S. How is Flexy doing? I haven’t heard anything about him for a long time. 

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