Totally “Fort Worth” It!

Hermana Kelsey 12:4 -email-
Dear family,
This week flew by for me too. We are having transfers on Wednesday, and Sister W. is getting transferred to D. But Sister V. is coming to be my companion!!! I love her guts. She is the one that I met in the MTC my second day there, but she came out a transfer before me because she already knows spanish. She is so great. I’m way excited. President S. seems to have made it a pattern for me to only stay with my companion for one transfer. I’m not really sure why. But I kind of glad Sister W. is getting transferred. I will miss her, but if she stayed here for longer, she would “die”(end her mission) here in H., and I would have to “kill”(send her home) her. Which I have already done twice, and it is really hard. But anyway, that is the big news for the week.
Next big thing….we had a baptism on Tuesday! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Yay! It was for a little girl named N. She is so sweet, and loves to read her scriptures. It was a really good baptism. Not really too stressful, which is good for us as misionaries, because we usually get way crazy stressed, because there is so much to do. But it was really good.
In other news/events:
-Tuesday I had a foot race with one of the elders, and he barely beat me. So I think when I get back home, I’m gonna train myself up real good and try to do track at school or something. 🙂
-Also, on Tuesday, we got told we are going to hell because we “put Joseph Smith above Jesus Christ”, and a man spoke to us in tongues, (it was one of the creepiest things I have ever heard), and then on Friday, we talked to a young guy that was smoking something, but it wasn’t cigarettes, and he weirded me out.
-We got a surprise apartment inspection and Elder P., who is in one fo the senior couples in our mission and can’t see at all, tried to clean our white board with Shout. Sister W. almsot lost it completely, and had to pinch herself to keep from laughing out loud
-I got pooped on by a baby bunny, who them tried to hide the evidence by sitting on his little Coco Pebbles
-I met a woman who is the mom of one of our recent converts, and she is literally 5 or 6 inches shorter than me!
-And last, but not least, we had a crazy woman that came to our Relief Society on Sunday, and almost started a fight. Our Relief Society president had to get up, and talk to everyone to make the situation better 🙁
Let’s just say it has been an interesting week.
1-Best guess on when you’ll be home? 1. I don’t think this one is really for me. You already know when I’ll be home, right? 🙂
3-Biggest challenge? Blessing? 3. Biggest challenge depends on the area for sure. But one big challenge on the mission in general is just adjusting to change. Just when you get comfortable with the people and the area, you get transferred somewhere else, and you have to leave the people you love, and the companions you love, and the elders you love. That is definitely something I have struggled with through out my mission. The blessings? Wow, that one is hard to. One of the biggest ones I have seen is gaining a stronger testimony in the gospel, and a bigger love for people in general. I have definitely increased in charity for others.
I’m glad you are still doing scouts and enjoying it. I kind of wish I knew more survival type stuff. I like to think that if I was lost in the woods I could survive, but who knows. That’s crazy Meg and Jace are moving. I was thinking about writing to them the other p-day, but I always seem to run out of time to write to anyone except you all on the computer. So tell them I say “Hi”, and sorry I haven’t written them back.
Write to me!!!!! 😀
I gotta go now. I love you all so much.
Peace and blessings!
Love, Kelsey

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