Totally “Fort Worth” It!

Hermana Kelsey 8:4 -email-

Dear family,

This week was pretty average. It went by really slow for me. Sometimes

it feels like days go really fast, but the week goes slow, and other

days I feel like the week goes slow and the days go fast. It’s weird.

Anyway, not much happened this week. One of the elders in our district

got a greenie on Wednesday, so now I’m not the youngest missionary in

our zone anymore. The new missionary’s name is Elder J. He is

pretty cool. He was super quiet his first couple days. It reminded me

of when I was a greenie. I was scared to death, and wondered a lot

about what I had gotten myself into.

It has been raining some this week. On Wednesday, the lightning woke

me up at 4:30 in the morning because it was so loud. It was pretty

cool. I think I am going to miss thunderstorms when I get back to

Utah. We don’t have thunderstorms in Utah like they do here.


Mom: I get what you are saying about hearing a talk and thinking about

how someone needs to hear it. There are a lot of times when I am

sitting in church, and one of our investigators isn’t there, and I

hear something that was like specifically for that person. And I

think, “Man I wish so and so was here so they could hear this. They

really need it.” But it is true, because most of the time we can get a

lot more out of it for ourselves than other people.

Wow, Crystal is engaged?!? Whoa. Man, everyone is going to get married

by the time I come home. That’ll be weird.

Anyway, yesterday, we had some changes in our bishopric. We thought

for sure our bishop was going to get released because he has been the

bishop for almost 8 years. But they just replaced his two counselors.

The new guys will be really good though. One of them is a white guy

who is a cop, and the other one is a returned missionary, which is

pretty rare in spanish wards because most of the members are converts

after the age to go on a mission. Anyway, I better go. I love you.


Dad: I’m sorry you haven’t been able to get very much exercise. Me

either. Half an hour in the morning isn’t very long to get any kind of

work out in. But we try…sometimes. 🙂 Man, I miss navajo tacos. We

have a lot of really good Mexican food, but I miss some kinds of food

we don’t get to eat very much, or at all. How is your other job going?

I hope things are good there. I think that’s all. Love you.


Emmysaurus Rex: That is way cool. I miss young women a little bit.

Sometimes we go in and hang out with the young women, and get

referrals and stuff from them. It’s pretty fun. The young women here

are really close, because there are only a few, so they are all

friends with each other. Mom told me about your car, and how you

painted the hood with chalkboard paint. You are a crazy girl!!! I

laughed pretty hard when I read that. Oh so are you going to go to the

Halloween dance? I heard you were having trouble getting a date for

it. That’s too bad. But it’ll be good.

Anyway, I gotta go now. Bye y’all. I love you all so much.

Love, Kelsey

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