Totally “Fort Worth” It!

Hermana Kelsey 6:2 -email-


This week has gone by so fast. I swear it was just p-day the other day! But things are going well. We have a few baptisms coming up soon, so I’m pretty excited for that. Hopefully I will be sending some pictures home soon. I’ve been really bad about taking pictures, but I’m trying to do better. We have seen quite a few miracles in the past week or so. God is definitely putting people where they need to be for us to find them. We have met so many legit people in the last couple days especially. It’s so amazing to get to bring this wonderful gospel to people, and see the change that it brings into their lives. I am surely starting to love Arlington. Temple will always have a special place in my heart, but I think I can make room for Arlington too. πŸ™‚

That’s so cool you had some people that served in Spain come speak to you. Did they talk funny? They have a thing in their spanish there called the “theta” and they say certain things with like a lisp.Β They will say corazon “corathon” (like with a th instead of a z).Β I only know about that, because there were some elders in my district in the MTC called to Spain, and a teacher that served there told us about it. Pretty funny.

Anyway, I got my birthday package! Thank you thank you thank you so much for sending it! πŸ™‚

Anyway, I’m so excited for you to start doing daycare. That will be so fun. I’m sure you’ll love it.

Well, I better go now. Love you lots. Thanks for all you do for me. I really appreciate it. πŸ™‚

Love, Hermana Kelsey


Man, I miss zucchini bread. The lady that we live with cooks a little bit, and she made cupcakes for my birthday, but I don’t think she would take requests, and I don’t have time to bake anything really. So I’ll just have to wait until I get home.

We played tennis once when I was down in Temple, because we had a tennis court at our apartment complex, and an elder had rackets for us to use. It was really fun. I still suck though. πŸ™‚

Ha ha ha. Oh my special brother. Sometimes he just doesn’t think through things before he does them. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Well, I better go now. Love you lots. Have a great week. πŸ™‚

Love, Hermana Kelsey


Emmysaurus Rex,

Hey seester! I’m still waiting for another letter back from you!!!Β That’s so crazy you are going to be a senior!! Wow!! I swear you were just a tiny little thing like yesterday. You kids grow up way too fast. πŸ™‚ Ha ha.

I still can’t believe you renamed Sandy Carl. That doesn’t seemt to fit her at all. But whatever.

Anyway, I better go now. Love your face. Peace and Blessings!!!

love, Hermana Kelsey



One thought on “Totally “Fort Worth” It!

  1. Joy, it is so fun to read about Kelsey and Alex. They are doing super awesome! It is so funny to see the difference between the letters. Kelsey is definitely a longer letter writer. But hey, what would we do without e-mails? Tell them Hi for me and to keep up the great work! Love Ya!

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