Totally "Fort Worth" It!

Hermana Kelsey 5:3 -email-
Mi Familia!
Hey everyone! I hope you are all doing great. This week was kind of weird, but pretty good.
Monday: I already told you a little about Monday in the last letter, but I was on exchange with Sister C. We got locked out of our van, because the clicker wouldn’t work, and for some reason some people decided not to tell us that there was a key hidden inside. It was quite an adventure. We also got to watch some fireworks from the sister’s apartment in K. It was cool, because F. was the only place in our area of Texas that got to have fireworks, because of the drought and fire dangers. So we were really lucky to get to see them.
Tuesday: I spent a LOT of time speaking in Spanish. It was really hard, and I didn’t know how to say a lot of things, but when I have to I can get by. It was pretty awesome. We ate dinner with a less active family that is in the military, and then Sister C did this funny spiritual thought with a dish towel. She told a story about a chicken, and how it was her pet, but it got run over by a car because she didn’t listen to her mom, and played in the street with it. Then she folded the towel this certain way, and when she was done it looked like one of those chickens with no head, and all it’s feather missing. It was pretty funny. The kids really liked it too.
Wednesday: We went up to W. for Zone Huddle. It was really fun. I got my real companion back. It was fun to have an exchange for a little bit, but I’m glad Sister S is back, and I don’t have to do all the talking in Spanish. 🙂 Other than that, it was kind of a bust day. We tried to see a bunch of people, and they either weren’t home or were busy and wanted us to come back later. It’s hard when we have days like that. But the good ones make it all worth it.
Thursday: Joe (one of our investigators)’s wife died. She was in the hospital, because she had cancer, but then the cancer went away, but the chemotherapy and all that ruined her insides (her kidneys were failing and her bladder had exploded). She was on life support in the hospital for a long time, but she finally passed away. It was a really hard thing for him. But I know that the things we have been teaching him are definitely helping. He wants to get baptized really bad. We’re hoping he can in a week or so. Hopefully sooner rather than later, because I might be getting transfered this transfer. 🙁 But it’ll be okay.
Friday: We studied Spanish too hard and for too long in the morning. I got a really bad migraine. But I’m still improving on it. My branch president is so cool, and he always tells me how my Spanish is getting better, and I sound like a true Hispanic. 🙂 It’s pretty awesome. I’m really not that good though. But I’m still working on it. Someday, I’ll be able to speak it fluently. Also, we tracted in a trailer park where we met some really cool people, and met a ton more Hispanic people. It was so cool. It’s pretty much a gold mine. We are stoked to be working in that area now. We have a challenge this week in our district to see who can get the most new investigators this week. We are shooting for 20 because I’m pretty sure none of the Elders will be able to get that many. 🙂 Also, if we win we get Olive Garden for free, because the losers have to buy dinner for the winners.
Saturday: We had a really great lesson with one of our new investigators, Elise. She is super cool, and she is actually the sister to one of our other investigators, Edgar, who is also really cool. She will probably get baptized someday. 🙂 Also, one of our other investigators, Lucas, professed his love for Sister S, so we can’t go see him anymore. He has a problem with falling for sister missionaries apparently. It’s sad, because he actually, legitimately was progressing towards baptism. But hopefully if Spanish Elders get put back in our area, they can go see him at some later point. Also, we had some really delicious tamales, made by one of our members. She sells them to make money, so she is like crazy good at making them.
Sunday: We had another hard day. I am now having issues with creepy guys. Our investigator Joe (see above), likes me, and when I went to shake his hand, he all tried to pull me in, and held onto my hand for way too long. It weirded me out, so I just pulled my hand away. It was gross. But it’s all good. Also, I’m to the point where I am now expecting things of people, and they are starting to disappoint me. It’s really hard. 🙁 I want to help them so much, and they don’t want to help themselves, so there is nothing I can do for them.
Today, we went to Grace (Joe’s wife)’s funeral at a Catholic church. It was really different.
I love you all!! Be safe. Have a great week.
Con amor,
Hermana KelseyP.S. Seester! I finally got your letter, and I will be writing you back sometime today. 🙂


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