Sunday Best!

Kelsey taught a lesson today. 
It was based on the talk given by Elder Patrick Kearon. 
Ensign, November 2010.
 “Come to Me 
Full Purpose of Heart 
and I Shall Heal You”
“President James E. Faust taught:
‘When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block. …
‘… Obedience leads to true freedom. The more we obey revealed truth, the more we become liberated.
Last week I met a 92-year-old man who had been involved in many of the major campaigns of World War II. He had survived three injuries, one of which was a land-mine blast to the jeep in which he was traveling, which killed the driver. He learned that to survive in a minefield, you must follow exactly in the tracks of the vehicle moving ahead of you. Any deviation to the right or left could—and indeed did—prove fatal.
Our prophets and apostles, leaders and parents continually point out the track we must follow if we would avoid a destructive blast to our souls. They know the path that has been safely cleared of mines, and they tirelessly invite us to follow behind them. There are so many devastating traps to entice us from the track. Straying into drugs, alcohol, pornography, or immoral behavior over the Internet or on a video game will head us straight toward an explosion. Deviating to the right or the left of the safe track ahead of us, whether because of laziness or rebelliousness, can prove fatal to our spiritual lives. There are no exceptions to this rule.
If we have strayed from the track, we can change, we can return, and we can recapture our joy and our inner peace. We will discover that returning to the track from which the land mines have been removed brings enormous relief.
No one can find peace in a minefield.
Our Savior is the Prince of Peace, the Great Healer, the only One who can truly cleanse us from the sting of sin and the poison of pride and change our rebellious hearts into converted, covenant hearts. 
His Atonement is infinite and embraces us all.”
When we come to the Savior with “Full Purpose of Heart” it means we are open to what the Savior wants to teach us. We are ready to receive His love and guidance. We are humble, willing to change and grow. I have heard many teachers compare us to clay and the Savior is the potter. He will mold and shape us into something beautiful, He knows what the lump of clay can become. In Kelsey’s lesson, one sister raised her hand and told us, “We need to be humble, meaning soft and pliable. So that the Jesus can mold us into what He sees as our best potential. If we are prideful and disobedient, we, or the clay, is hard and dry and not able to be molded.” I thought that was a really good example, the dry or hard clay cannot be molded. We must be soft, or humble, ready to change and become who the Master sees as our potential. 
One way that I try to be humble and teachable is to follow those who have more knowledge. Just like the tank going through the mine field. I stay close to God and others who can direct and show me the way. I trust their examples, their lives have been just like the path that went through the mine field. Sometimes we leave the path with tragic consequences. But even in a tragedy, Christ is trying to communicate with us. He is always there. He will help us know what to do to get back on the path. I believe He is there helping all of us to become our greatest potential. 
Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy    

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