Sunday Best!!

Doctrine and Covenants 78:19
And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more.
In Luke 17:12-19 Jesus heals the ten lepers. He heals all ten, but only one returns to say thank you. Jesus questions, “Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?” Well, they got what they wanted and forgot how they got it. They might also be the type to blame God when things aren’t going quite right. I really don’t ever want to be like that. I know I’m not perfect and I do make mistakes, but I believe it is very important to be thankful.
Years ago I learned about receiving all things with thankfulness. I couldn’t comprehend at the time, how a person could be thankful for something bad that happened to them. But since then, I have tried to acknowledge the blessings that have come to me, because of the hard things that I have been though in life. When I think about the pain, I realize it has made me more compassionate. When I think about how others treated me, I realize I am more conscientious about treating others right. I remember how it felt to be sad, because someone was unkind to me.  I am thankful for all things in my life, blessings and challenges.
 I am a better person for it.
Receive all things with thankfulness. And don’t forget to say Thank you, when you have been blessed!
Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy 

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