Family History Friday (FHF): Lost and Found!

When my maternal grandma
was a little girl. She lived quite far from the nearest town. They were farmers and lived a distance from the neighbors as well. At one point in her young life, the telephone lines were being strung across the open land in southern Idaho. Before they could hang the lines, they had to dig deep holes for the telephone poles to be anchored into. One day my grandma turned up missing. She had been gone for hours. She was just a small child, maybe five years old. Great grandma was frantically trying to find her. She would call and call. Now, where they lived was quite flat and you could see for a good distance in every direction, but they could not find her. Finally, after a tough time searching and worrying, they found her. She had fallen into one of the holes that the men had dug for the telephone poles. She wasn’t real close to home. She had wandered off and was a distance away. The holes were not even visible until you got right up to them. She was at the bottom of the hole crying and crying. She had called out for help, but no one could hear her. She was so happy to be rescued, but was very exhausted from trying to climb out. What a scary thing. She knew they could not see or hear her. Can you imagine how scary for a five year old child.
The moral of the story?
Well, maybe it is this-
be careful when playing near large deep holes,
they may just swallow you up!!!
 also- that
those who love you
will always look for you, until they find you!
Look for your ancestors! Find them!
 Get to know them. You’ll be glad you did!!
Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

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