Sunday Best!

Matthew 5:5 

Blessed are the meek: 
for they shall inherit the earth.
The meek and the humble are those who are teachable. They are willing to learn. They are willing to listen to the whispering of the still, small voice for guidance in their lives. They place the wisdom of the Lord above their own wisdom.
-Gorden B. Hinckley, Stand A Little Taller
Being humble and teachable means, that you know that you need help in life. You look to other peoples- example to help you learn and grow and become the best “you”! Parents, siblings, friends, leaders, teachers, and sweethearts, all help us to become the best we can be. They help us by, living a life that shows us the way. They help us by, lovingly telling us ways that we can improve. The person that can help us the most is the Savior. His life and teachings are the way! We need to be meek and He will show us the way! 
Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy

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