The Best Remedy-Nature!

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The best remedy for those who are afraid,

lonely or unhappy is to go outside, 

Somewhere where they can be quiet,

Alone with the heavens, 

Nature and God

Because only then does one feel

That all is as it should be

And that God wishes to see people happy, 

Amidst the simple beauty of nature. 

-Anne Frank

 A few weeks ago in church one of the young women shared an experience she had at girls camp. They rowed in a boat out to the middle of a beautiful lake. When they got to the middle, the leaders asked them to sit silently for a few minutes. They asked the girls to think, look, and listen. After the few minutes were up, some of the girls had tears in their eyes. They could feel something sweet and powerful. A message from God that they are loved. Then they sang a song called, “I Feel My Saviors Love.” All of the girls were crying now. They really could feel their Saviors Love.

I have had that same feeling out in nature.

I am so grateful for this beautiful earth!

Go for a hike, go to the park and lay on the ground beneath a tree and watch the branches move with the breeze, or even a ride in the car through the canyon or past a lake.

We are so blessed!!!

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