Caught in a Lie.

          I’ll never forget the time I told a lie.

I was in 4th grade. I had moved two times in 6 months. I met a very cute boy before my last move. I had a crush on him. I never told him, we were only in 4th grade. So when I moved to the new house and school, I told some of my new friends that I had a boyfriend where I used to live, and I gave them his name. Just so you know, having a boyfriend in 4th grade meant we smiled at each other and played together on the playground.

Then things went down hill. This boy that I liked, that I had a crush on, moved to my new school. Then it all came out. One of the people I told, came up to me and said, “Didn’t you say you had a boyfriend named _________?” I told them I did. Then they said, “Well, a boy with that name just moved in and he says he’s not your boyfriend.” Ouch! was I busted in the lie. I promised myself I would never lie again. It was not worth it.

This picture is of my grandbaby Natasha,

she has a look on her face that describes how I felt. Ahhhhhh!