Totally "Fort Worth" it!

We dropped off 
our beautiful daughter Kelsey
 at the Missionary Training Center yesterday! Wow, it was rough! Here is how the day went…
Kelsey doing last minute arranging in her suitecase!

Aren’t they darling!!

Ready to go!!

Lunch on the way!

Driving up the hill to the MTC!!
The Elders are there to help with her luggage!
Emily is saying the whole time, “Aren’t they cute!”
Hugs and tears!!!

A manly hug and no tears from Riley!

We are so excited for Kelsey!! 
She will be a great missionary!

Yes, Pappa cried too!! He is a tender Dad! 

And there she goes!! 
We are all crying and watching her go!! 
The Elders take her into the building on the left,
 were the Sisters are waiting for her!
We leave and spend the rest of the day 
trying to stay busy and 
think happy thoughts!! 
She is going to have a wonderful mission and will be a blessing to those she is called to serve. She is also going to have all kinds of experiences, all of which, will bless her for the rest of her life. 
We are so proud of her!!;)

4 thoughts on “Totally "Fort Worth" it!

  1. Haven't been to the MTC since 2004 when we took our 3rd missionary there. Wow! Was it way hard to just drop them off at the curb? I was almost crying just watching your pictures. I love Sister missionaries! Your daughter looked so small walking between the two Elders, going off a warrior in her own right, to fight the battle!
    Where is she going Joy?
    Remind me.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  2. I totally cried. I am mostly feeling your pain, but I will be REALLY feeling your pain in one month and 2 days from this moment. I am SO PROUD OF YOU KELSEY! love, your Aunt Wendy

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