Dear Friend

Last week, on the day my son
left for boot camp, my dear friend Laura, brought me these tulips and some cookies. She didn’t know it, but I was having a hard day. I don’t like it when people leave. I know it will be a good thing for my son to do what he is doing, and I believe he will be in a good place. He will come home someday, a better man than he is now. I had teared up several times at work and then there she was. She just showed up with this beautiful bouquet of flowers. I absolutely love the canning jar! I love you, friend. Thanks for being inspired to come visit.

Family History Friday (FHF): Another Perspective!

This is Joy’s daughter, Kelsey, doing a guest blog for Family History Friday!
Ever since I was little, my mom has been
 in love
with doing family history
 She has always taught us to have a love
 for the people who came before us, and
paved the way for us to have the lives we do now. 

We have been on a couple trips to places where our ancestors are from.  We took a trip in 1999 to the East coast, including Dedham, Massachusetts, where our ancestors, the Fairbanks, built their house in 1637, and Plymouth, Massachusetts, where our ancestors who came across on the Mayflower landed.  It was so fun to see how and where they lived when they came to America, and to see all the struggles they went through to make life better for us. 

Whenever we go on long trips in the car, she asks us questions about our ancestors to see if we know who she is talking about.  It is really cool to know things about them, because then they are real. They aren’t just names on a piece of paper. They really lived and experienced things, just like we do. I really do appreciate the things she does to find out who they are, and to help us know them as well.

I would recommend that you do your family history, and share what you learn with your kids, so that they can enjoy it too.

Family History Friday (FHF): Google!

I really love
When I need to find something, or I’m bored to tears, I can do a
search by entering a few words to be searched and a plethora of information about whatever you typed in comes up!! My FHF today is to suggest that you do a
I put in “genealogy blog sites”,
and found much information and places to go to help in research.
As I’ve said before, you can
your ancestor, to see if anything comes up.
You can
 where they lived, find maps and also many pictures of the location. Do a
search and see what happens.
Happy Family History Friday.
Love, Joy