Family History Friday (FHF): Do it!

(This is a clue about what next week’s FHF is about )

Spencer W. Kimball used to always say “Do it!” ( I know Nike would like to take credit, but I know President Kimball was the first. ). So anyway, I think for this weeks FHF I will just say –Do it! You don’t have to do it all the time, or even every day. Just pick a day, like Sunday, and do it for an hour or two. What’s that you say? I haven’t given you enough ideas to get you started? Ok, I’ll give you more ideas. Here’s a place that you can go to help you get going and do it.

Go here! Then click on

How do I begin?

If you need forms or any other ideas you’ll find them. Download a pedigree chart and a family group sheet and start writing. Write all the names and dates and birth places that you know, then start researching. You can Do it! I know you can. Let me know how it goes. You can even color code your families like I do with mine.

I know that if you do, you will start to develop a love for your ancestors, and you will want to know more about them. It’s true! Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

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